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Return, Reconnect, Refocus (Primary)

An 8 session workshop designed to support pupils experiencing persistent difficulties around returning to school due to school-based anxiety and worry.

The sessions are underpinned by a playful approach to psychoeducation, relationship building and emotional regulation in order to build resiliance, reduce anxiety and help children and young people to become more confident and ready to learn.

Workshop Outline

  1. This is me
  2. Understanding Emotions
  3. Fight, Flight or Freeze
  4. Upstairs / Downstairs brain
  5. An introduction to regulation
  6. Problem Solving
  7. Creating Structure
  8. Remember Resilience

You now have full access to all resources for delivery of the workshops in your setting and should be planning for delivery shortly. We hope you find this on line platform easy to use, any queries please get in touch with us at

For us to understand what's been learned and to maintain quality assurance please remember to complete and submit the questionnaires. Please submit all completed questionnaires via email to or complete online, where applicable.

Journal and Session Plans
Primary Teaching Scripts
Primary Worksheets
Evaluation Forms

Teacher Evaluation Form

Thank you for attending our recent CPD Training. We hope you found it useful and feel prepared to go ahead and deliver the workshop within your setting. We always welcome and appreciate feedback on our training sessions so that we can ensure it is meaningful and meeting the needs of the audience. If we could request 5 minutes of your time to provide some feedback it would be gratefully received.

Many thanks

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