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CPD – Workshops & Programmes

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Ask us about training and CPD for teaching and support staff. We have developed an on-line platform for ease of access! Once training has been undertaken, you will receive a passcode to access the full content of workshops and programmes – all freely available as part of the MHST offer.

If you have registered to attend a Workshop and have not received your password please contact cypfamilies@alliancepsychology.com

Key Stage 2

Moving on Up: Sam’s Quest

Supporting Year 6 children through transition to secondary school.

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Two 1-hour workshops aimed at supporting Year 6 children through transition to secondary school. The overall aim is to normalise children’s anxieties whilst helping them to develop coping strategies related to change. 

These workshops have been developed using the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.

The workshops have an educational and interactive approach. Each child will receive a personal workbook, to complete alongside workshop activities.


Following attendance of the CPD Training Course, delegates will be provided with a password to log-in and access all workshop resources, including a workshop delivery guide. The workshops can then be delivered flexibly to fit in with the schools individual curriculum.


To register interest in this workshop, click here

To access the workshop, click the button below

Keeping Your Cool – Emotional Regulation

Currently under development

To register interest in this workshop, click here

5 Weeks to Wellbeing – Primary

The workshop aims to increase awareness of mental health, acknowledges recent changes due to COVID-19 as well as providing pupils with strategies they can use to look after their mental health and wellbeing.

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Resources developed could support an individual workshop of 2 hrs or a wider 6-week programme broken down into smaller modules.  The workshop developed in collaboration with primary school teaching staff to support primary school children (5-11 years)

The workshop aims to increase awareness of mental health, acknowledges recent changes due to COVID-19 as well as providing pupils with strategies they can use to look after their mental health and wellbeing. Using a cognitive behavioural therapeutic approach, connecting thoughts, feelings and behaviours, children will be supported to explore how strategies such as thought challenging, connecting with others, physical exercise and mindfulness techniques can be used to help themselves to feel better and help build their resilience.The workshop aims to increase awareness of mental health, acknowledges recent changes due to COVID-19 as well as providing pupils with strategies they can use to look after their mental health and wellbeing. Using a cognitive behavioural therapeutic approach, connecting thoughts, feelings and behaviours, children will be supported to explore how strategies such as thought challenging, connecting with others, physical exercise and mindfulness techniques can be used to help themselves to feel better and help build their resilience.


Alliance team may support with co-facilitation of these educational programmes and help schools to understand how this can fit in with a wider curriculum to support mental health and wellbeing. Collaboration is key and we would invite feedback from both teaching staff and children to shape the workshops to suit particular settings. The workshop is accompanied by a workbook and activities and can be delivered live by therapists or there is the option of delivery using pre-recorded audio.

Ideally, delivery of the workshops is followed by a 1.5hr workshop aimed at Teaching Staff or other identified school staff.  A workshop delivery guide has been produced to support you, if needed, in delivery to your pupils.


To register interested in the workshop, click here

To access the workshop, click the button below.

Return, Refocus, Reconnect

An 8-session programme that has been developed by Alliance children’s team and designed to support pupils returning to/being in school who may be experiencing difficulties due to school-based anxiety & worry. This programme is delivered direct to teaching and or support staff through CPD Certification and uses a ‘playful’ approach to psychoeducation, relationship building and emotional regulation.

The aim is to build resilience, reduce anxiety and help children and young people to become more confident and ready to learn.

8 session plans with activities that can be completed within a full hour or alternatively smaller activities delivered in a flexible shorter time frame.

Teaching scripts for the staff member to utilise to support their understanding of materials.

Young Person’s Journal young people are encouraged to complete their journal to support with there is a journal they can complete with things they have learnt and found useful.


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To access the workshop, please click the button below.

A playful approach to psychoeducation, relationship building and emotional regulation

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We Eat Elephants – Five Areas, Living Life to the Full

Living Life to the Full is one of the worlds most used life skills training systems. Using the widely recommended cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) approach, but without the jargon.

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Aged 5-8 – Understanding emotions using engaging and colourful resources, we can help young children understand what they are feeling, why, and how to deal with the effects. With scenarios to talk through, feelings cards to help explain, and other well tested CBT methods, We Eat Elephants is a great way to help children learn to communicate and express their emotions.

Aged 9-12 – Making changes to how you feel dealing with current issues that our children face in both school and the home environment. The loss of a loved one, failing to reach targets, peer pressure and much more, these situations can be talked through and dealt with by using our tools and resources, tailored for children of this age.


Alliance Psychological Service hold a licence to deliver this programme. Our development is through how this is delivered in classrooms and therefore we have developed sessions to support with this.  All sessions have been pre-recorded and can be delivered either face to face or via a Live Platform. Delivery by therapists and with the option of co-facilitation with teaching staff.

The programme is educational rather than a therapeutic intervention and therefore teaching staff can go on to deliver the WEE programme to other classes promoting a sustainability approach for the school. Licence Agreements through Five Areas is essential


To register interest in this workshop, click here

To access the workshop, please click the button below.

Key Stage 3 & 4

5 weeks to wellbeing

‘5 Weeks to Wellbeing’ is suitable for young people 11+ and aims to promote better understanding and management of good mental health and wellbeing.

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‘5 Weeks to Wellbeing’ is suitable for young people 11+ and aims to promote better understanding and management of good mental health and wellbeing. Key areas are focused on developing good routines, improving sleeping habits, managing unhelpful thoughts and increasing activity of enjoyable hobbies. Young people receive helpful information and a workbook/journal they are encouraged to complete in between the sessions.


The programme, which consists of 5 1 hr workshops can be delivered to a whole class or a smaller targeted group of young people. Targeted groups would require discussion in Consultation meetings and consent from parents for a referral to be made. Following co-facilitation or CPD training education staff can be trained in delivering this programme independently.


A 1.5hr Accredited CPD training session for staff is available

To register your interest in the programme, click here

To access the programme please click the button below.

It’s A Wrap (Worry Reduce Avoidance Problem solve)

This is a facilitated programme, delivered by MHST staff.


Is a 4-week programme of 1 hr sessions developed and is suitable for young people 11+. Young People will be encouraged to learn strategies based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) to manage Worry, Reduce Avoidance of tough situations and Problem solve. A workbook has been developed for young people and they are encouraged to complete activities in between the sessions.


The programme can be run remotely or can be delivered live by therapists to a full class or smaller targeted group of students. Targeted groups would require discussion in Consultation meetings and consent from parents for a referral to be made. Due to the level of psychological intervention within this programme it is the intention that delivery would always be a LI practitioner with education staff encouraged to co-facilitate. At this stage there is not currently a plan for education staff to be trained and expected to deliver this workshop without the support of an LI Practitioner.

Toregister your interest in this programme, click here

Looking to learn some strategies to better manage stress or anxiety?

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Keeping Your Cool – Emotional Regulation

Anger can often cause problems for us at school and home, so we look at ways of helping to deal with this.

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Keeping Your Cool has been developed by the Alliance children’s team and is a 4 week programme consisting of 1 hr sessions each week.  It has been developed using recognised cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) techniques and other psychological approaches to develop emotional literacy, emotional regulation and development of strategies to help reduce unhelpful behaviour, using interactive, fun activities.


Alliance team may support with co-facilitation of these educational programmes and help schools to understand how this can fit in with a wider curriculum to support mental health and wellbeing. Collaboration is key and we would invite feedback from both teaching staff and children to shape the workshops to suit particular settings. The workshop is accompanied by a workbook and activities and can be delivered live by therapists or there is the option of delivery using pre-recorded audio.

The programme itself can be delivered to a whole class as part of a wider educational approach to managing emotions or a smaller targeted group of children and young people.  Targeted groups where mental health difficulties have been identified would be delivered following a referral to the Alliance team.


Ideally, delivery of the workshops is followed by a 1.5hr workshop aimed at Teaching Staff or other identified school staff. 

To register interest in this workshop, click here

To access the workshop please click the button below.

Moving on Up – Sam’s Quest – Transitions Year 7

Two 1-hour workshops aimed at supporting Year 7 children through transition to secondary school. A further workshop has been developed to support Year 6’s. The overall aim is to normalise children’s anxieties whilst helping them to develop coping strategies related to change.  These workshops have been developed by the Alliance children’s team using the principles of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. The workshops have an education and interactive approach and are guided through a personal workbook, which the child is encouraged to complete, alongside wellbeing activities.


Face to face in classrooms and to whole year groups or delivered remotely. Alliance team may support with co-facilitation of these educational programmes and help schools to understand how this can fit in with a wider curriculum to support mental health and wellbeing. Collaboration is key and we would invite feedback from both teaching staff and children to shape the workshops to suit particular settings.


To register interest in this workshop, click here

To access the workshop, please click the button below.

The overall aim is to normalise children’s anxieties whilst helping them to develop coping strategies related to change. 

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Staff Wellbeing

Reset & Restart – A Caring & Compassionate Guide for Staff Wellbeing

Aimed at staff, this one off workshop explores the impact of Covid-19 and other traumatic events on staff in educational settings.

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Helping to promote good mental health and wellbeing in staff and thereby supporting the wider school community.

This workshop is delivered over 1.5hrs and provides an opportunity for teaching and support staff to reflect on the impact of Covid-19 and look at individual strengths and accomplishments. Using Mindfulness approaches, the workshop provides an opportunity for staff to promote kindness, compassion and understanding of self. Self-Developments Toolkits are encouraged as is self-help and supporting resilience.


Pre-recorded or live delivery via a range of digital platforms or face to face.

To register interest in this workshop, click here

To access the workshop, please click the button below.


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